Contact Us
: (314) 961-2244
: (314) 961-9955
: 3213 S Brentwood St. Louis, MO 63119
Dear Friends,
Next to public speaking, the biggest fear most people have is being embarrassed in front of their peers.
And when a caterer doesn’t perform for you(wrong orders, late arrival or “no-show”), you’re the one that catches the heat — this should never be! A well catered event should have no-mistakes, put you at ease, and allow you to be the “Hero of the Event.”
That’s why we’ve created Best Box Lunches and this web page. You’re about to discover proven Catering Secrets that will save you time, money, aggravation and most of all, your reputation — before it’s too late!
7 Questions You Must Ask a
Lunch Caterer to Insure Your Success
- What do their customers say about them? (ask to see testimonials)
- Are they consistently “ON-TIME”? (demand an ON-TIME Delivery Guarantee or your money back)
- What is their quality of food? (Ask for a sample lunch before you commit yourself)
- Will the food be prepared to-order? (fresh, tasty food makes meetings more festive)
- Will they correct your order if it is wrong? (Ask for a No-Mistakes Guarantee).
- What if more people show up then expected? This leaves you most vulnerable!
- Can you add-on a last minute lunch (you can at Best Box Lunches).
Now, take control of your life!
This is your wake-up call to better days; it’s time for you to stop worrying about late and inconsistent lunches!It’s already a pressure-packed, hard, tiring, chaotic, demanding, mind blowing, stressed-out jungle, isn’t it? I know, I’ve been there myself. And It’s easy, tempting, and even natural to order from the “so-so” company out of habit. But you don’t have to — not anymore!
Best Box Lunches to YOUR rescue!!!
NO-Mistakes Lunch Delivery
- EZ Order Box Lunch Fax designed as one page menu to make choices faster and mistakes minimal for you (you’re in control of this office)!
- Confirm your order after you send in your fax (this is one less thing you have to worry about).
- Delivered promptly and accurately (allowing your meeting to actually start on time)! So many places are later than they say and, there’s nothing worse than lunches either being too early or too late!
- Easy to set up and clean up; you can even stack them if you suddenly find yourself with limited space to work with.
- Everything is beautifully packaged; see-through box identifies contents so you don’t have to play “hide & seek” looking for your client’s chicken salad sandwich.
- Check-Up on your level of satisfaction after each event.
- You’ll appreciate the complete condiments and serving utensils included. You’ll also be pleased to find fresh lettuce and tomatoes (on the side) and sweet grapes-on-the-vine.
- Even the vegetarians love the lunches (you can special order for them)!
- Attention to detail and willingness to meet your special needs.
- Did we tell ya’ … Great Food Guaranteed, Too!